Monday’s match saw the continuation of district play with the Jackets facing off against Woodlawn.

Game one started off a little slow for all bowlers with only Alex Cedotal reaching his average (149) and Gabe Eunice throwing the high effort of the game with a 196 to barely miss his average. The high lane, especially, struggled to find a good line but really worked with each other to get into the pocket for the second and third game. The Jackets opened up a 7-1 advantage after the first game. Game two saw Mason Brock find a hot line to throw an exceptional 245. Cade Fletcher also found a line that carried better and pitched in a 225. The Jackets opened a commanding lead of 14-2 after game two and held the total pins advantage by 311.
The third game allowed further substitutions and thus all ten bowlers on the active roster saw action in the match.

The final score was 24-3, Jackets.

Cade Fletcher led the team with a 599 (225).

Both teams face off against Central next Thursday (2-27). On the boys side this match has been circled on the calendar all season as Central is the strongest team on our regular season schedule as well as a district rival. A district title will be on the line as well as a more favorable playoff seed. Central comes into the match on the boys side ranked #1 in the state wide power rankings. The Yellow Jacket boys are entering the match with the #3 power ranking in the state.

The Jacket girls will put their #13 power ranking and district honors on the line against Central who is sitting at #18.

These matches should bring a little taste of playoff atmosphere to All Star Lanes. Tell ALL your friends and family to come on over and support the Jackets! Lets go Jackets! Bring it!


Andrew Wilson and Cade Murray strategize on the split leave.

Boys: 8-1